Blogging is fun! So, others do it even they do not earn income out of it. But is it not more fun when you generate income to fund the maintenance of your site? Yes, there are many ways on how to earn income thru blogging. To help you get started, here are some ways you can do in order to make money from your blog.
While writing your thoughts in your blog, you may come accross situations where you feel like recommending a product or service to your followers. If you or your family members sell some specialized products and you think it is helpful to your followers, then go ahead, put a link on your blog so that your readers can click on it and find your product. If you sell the product yourself, you can be sure that your followers can get the right product they are looking for. So, to earn income from blogging, it requires techniques on how to create a need for a particular product. Here comes in your skills in writing your posts. You must be able to create the need of your own product while writing your posts. You can find our tips in writing persuasive posts here
You might not have any product to sell, however, you are expert on some things or services. For example, you are known to be a skilled plumber in the neighborhood. While writing your thoughts about a recent incident on water outage or reacting on a news about plumbing services, you can include your experiences and some projects that you have been involved. Mention people you have served in your neighborhood and tell your readers some solutions to problems they may encounter so that they will know that you are knowledgeable about the topic. If you are good at web design, then mention it in your blog. As a web designer, I can help you create your own blog. Drop me a mail at
Advertising is one of the keys in promoting products and services. If your blog is already being viewed by thousands of people everyday, then it is time to advertise that you are accepting advertisements. Start around your locality. Some businesses can be done just around your place, but some people may not know them yet. So blog it! Convince local businesses that customers can find their business thru your blog. Then when you get a really big audience, then go nationwide, or even wordwide. Call the attention of businesses about your blog. Show them evidence that you have a wide readership. If your blog is really popular, related businesses will come to you to advertise their product. You do not have to look for them. They will look for you!
There are thousands of companies both big and small that are offering affiliate marketing. This is a good opportunity to earn some penny from their sales thru affiliate marketing. Companies may share you a little percent of their income when they get customers out of your blog posts. Learn on how to do this thru our affiliate marketing tutorial here.
Monetizing means converting your clicks and views to money. Big search engines like Google run advertising based on your content. If you want to learn more on how to earn income thru advertising you can drop me a mail at so I can assist you. I manage Hostwifi Web Solutions and this is one of our expertise. Or you may want to read more on how to make money from google in this article.
So there you have it some of the ways on how to make money from your blog. Blogging is truly rewarding especially when you focus on things that inspire people to produce more, radiate love and extend a helping hand.